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Redefining Space
We design, fabricate and construct solutions for housing, educational & commercial buildings with our construction systems. Improving value to clients compared to traditional methods of construction.
Affordable, High Performance & Sustainable Buildings
Using our library of typical building assets our system is configurable to suit various building typologies and can be applied to existing architectural, structural and performance intent without compromise
A Construction Platform for Multiple Building Types



Design for Manufacture, Assemby & Construction (DfMA)
Offsite & Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)
Fabrication & Building Integrated Modelling (FIM / BIM)
Computational Fluid Dynamic Modelling (CFD)
MEP Design & Coordination Modelling

Energy Efficient Performance
A 'fabric first' approach delivering high performing thermal envelopes, reducing reliance on heating & cooling systems. More

Architects Journal
'The Boathouse' Sustainability Award (Winner)
RIBA 2023
Small Project of the Year (Winner)
Regional Award (Winner)
Wood Awards 2023
'The Boathouse' Small Projects (Winner)

UK Timber Factory

Each of our buildings are designed and modelled as complete digital twins of the final product, allowing us to digitally prototyping before fabrication, engineer accuracy & precision and maximise material use.
Designed for Fabrication & Construction

We are an award-winning, multi-discipline AEC design & engineering consultancy, dedicated to improving the value of projects for the built environment.
Supporting the Architectural, Engineering & Construction Industry, we specialise in Design for Manufacture & Assembly (DfMA), Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), and simulation modelling (CFD) for energy and data centres
We leverage the benefits of 'Offsite/KoP Modular' design and systemised solutions. Driven by considerations of the fabrication & construction supply chain to deliver projects that meet the demands of modern construction.
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